On the day before a key Senate vote on health reform U.S. Senator Kay Hagan sent an e-mail to the Democratic Party faithfuls asking for cash. The message with a subject line "Yikes" began, "Imagine a battalion of right-wingers, T.E.A. Partiers and ultra-conservatives being elected and descending on Washington in January 2011." Sent through the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, it urged readers to donate $5 or more to the committee.
In the message Hagan recalled her own challenges in last years election: "I know first hand what it is like when the extreme right comes after you with vicious attacks." Hagan wrote. "I have seen the way they make up lies to suit their agenda, having no qualms about sullying a person's good name with deceitful tactics."
The Democratic Committee contributed millions to Hagan's effort last year to defeat Republican Incumbent Elizabeth Dole.
Quoting News and Observer Tuesday November 24th 2009.
Looks like the Democratic Committee is hurting seriously for contributions when a Jr. Senator has to beg for donations 5 years before her election campaign. Either that or given the timing Kay Hagan was looking for her bribe, like Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu (D)who received 300 million in Medicaid for her state, in return for her yes vote. Here's a hint Kay... next time try not to be so obviously in the hip pocket of the majority if your looking for a bribe for your vote.
Kay Hagan voted yes for Cloture to begin the debate on the 2074 page Health reform bill, and most likely will not have any problem voting for the unconstitutional bill that will cost senior citizens half a billion dollars in benefits and raise the premiums for everyone in the country, as well as adding 19 new taxes to an already strapped North Carolina with an 11% unemployment rate.
But, hey I'm sure that e-mail brought in at least a hundred bucks for the Democratic Committee, I could wrong though.
Hello world!
4 years ago
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