Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2010 Time for Action

Folks I've come to the conclusion that posting on Blog Boards and spending hours arguing with idiots is not getting us any where. If we are going to battle the Liberal Loons we are going to have to organize and organize quickly, and if you spend hours, days even weeks trying to convince the Liberals of Conservative talking points you may as well be screaming at a brick wall. You won't find me doing it anymore. Here's why... no matter how much you talk at them they will use dirty tricks and bad ethics to keep you running in circles. That's how they got their loon with no experience and no history elected to POTUS.

So I'm going to approach this a bit differently now. I'm going to hit the streets, I'm going on a recruiting tour. I'm looking for people to help, will you? We need to get Conservatives and Moderates on the same page. We need to press the strategy of getting Conservatives to the polling place, registered and ready to know who to vote for the enact the Real Change that is needed to make the United States of America United again.

I will be posting, however all posts will come from here and Outraged Americans for Justice. I will not write directly on any blog site any longer. The traffic will flow through this site and Outraged Americans for Justice where we can be the Moderators. If you like to do battle with Liberals they are now residing on so feel free to join, post and contribute.

As we move into the new year, it will be a new outlook. It will be a push for getting the Conservative Word in the news, not concentrated on trying to convince Liberals they are wrong. We have little time and much work.

I've created a PAC, a PAC is a Political Action Committee. This is the core of any real Political Party. This site is here and will be accessible by the link under Live Chat Rooms and Links on the menu above. Here is the first task. I am collecting members and assigning Chairmans from every state represented. As chairman our first task is to collect members. Try to get donations to the PAC to help advertise and promote Conservative Candidates.

Tasks to follow:

Know your Congressmen's Ideals, Voting Record and Issues Stance

Know the Candidates running for your Congressional District

Start to write, blog and support the Congressmen or Candidate with Conservative Values

Identify RINOs in you state and write about them

Check out the Conservative Groups for you Congressional District, they have meetings, luncheons etc. start attending.

Volunteer to help the Conservative Candidates you can do something as simple as hosting a Town Hall meeting for your friends in your own home and invite the Conservative Candidate to speak.

Like I said, we have much work and little time. Are you ready to Take Back America?

Good, Step up to the plate.

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