Monday, June 1, 2009

912DC Tea Party Protest Demands

Proposed Amendments to Bill of Rights under Article V of the Constitution
A Constitutional Convention 2009

The following is a list of items collected through web discussions on several blogs that I participate in. I hope this represents a comprehensive list of the items we will be protesting to achieve at the 912DC Tea Party Protest. Please comment as to your agreement or opposition of the following list of demands as Taxpayers and Citizens of the United States of America.

Financial Limitations
  • Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1908
  • Congress shall make no law establishing a central banking system.
  • Congress shall make no law nor enter in any treaty or international agreement that provides for the United States to adopt as legal tender in the United States a currency issued by an entity other than the United States.
  • The President may not enter into a treaty or other international agreement that would provide for the United States to adopt as legal tender in the United States a currency issued by an entity other than the United States.
Tenth Amendment, Sovereignty of the States
  • That all compulsory federal legislation which directs states to comply under threat of civil or criminal penalties or sanctions or requires states to pass legislation or lose federal funding be prohibited or repealed.
Immigration Reform
  • All Immigrations Law current on record must be enforced fully. No State, County or locality shall have the ability to declare itself a sanctuary.
  • Employers who knowing hire illegal aliens, undocumented workers or people who are not authorized to work in the US must be fined $50,000 per occurrence.
  • Establish an electronic verification system for proof of citizenship and mandate all US employers use of said system.
  • Amend Section 1 of the 14th Amendment to include Birth Right Citizenship must require that at least one parent of child is a bonafide legal citizen of the US.
  • No Social Services payments from any Federal or State Fund shall be provided without proof of Citizenship
Establishing Term Limits for members of the U.S. Congress and requirements to participate in a vote
  • No member of the United States House of Representatives shall serve more than a lifetime total of four two year terms.
  • No member of the United States Senate shall serve more than a lifetime total of two six year terms.
  • No member of Congress shall vote on any bill or resolution unless they are present for a full oral reading of that bill or resolution.

Fair Tax Considerations: Limiting income taxation, repealing the progressive system, requiring all citizens to pay taxes
  • The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.
  • The Congress shall have power to establish and collect taxes on incomes of persons from whatever sources derived, without apportionment to the Several States and without regard to any census, or enumeration, provided that the same tax rate is applied to all income, in excess of occupational and business expenses and a personal allowance of a fixed amount.
  • The word person shall exclude corporation and other imaginary persons.

Considerations for Federal Annual Budget
  • Annually the Federal Government must ratify and approve, as a percentage of national income, an amount that represents the budget limitation that the Federal Government can spend each year.
  • That limit is not to be exceeded under any general fund expenditures.

Fair trade Agreements
  • Any imported goods or services must carry a tariff equivalent to the tariff or duties established by the country of origin with an additional inspection fee.

Establishing a system for removal of Judges, implementing requirements regarding the Constitution, preventing citation of foreign laws, public opinion
  • All Judges appointed to the Federal Court system including the United States Supreme Court, shall be subject to removal from office if they violate the standards of acceptable judgment.
  • System for removal: the same impeachment procedure for the President of the United States, should be applied and must include both the Executive and Legislative branches
  • Any Federal Court decision, including that of the Supreme Court of the United States, citing any law, code, or government document from any country, nation, or state other than of the United States of America after the year 1791, shall be null and void.
  • Any Federal Court decision, including that of the Supreme Court of the United States, citing public opinion or sentiment shall be null and void.
  • Any Federal Court decision, including that of the Supreme Court of the United States, not citing the specific Article and Section of the Constitution of the United States to which the decision is tied, shall be null and void.
Border Security
  • Establish Secure Crossing Check points for all US Borders
  • Establish Secure Guard Stations and appropriate border Security at Non-Crossing Check points to ensure no illegal entry is gained
  • Allow private property owners in border states the ability to detain and hold border law breakers trespassing on their private property until the proper authorities have arrived without fear of prosecution for doing such.


  1. Well what needs to be added or removed?

  2. It looks good and well covered.

  3. I like it.

    Regarding Term Limits. Maybe adding that a yea or nay vote is required, voting "present" is NOT a vote.

    Regarding the Border. Allow private property owners in border states the ability to detain and hold border law breakers trespassing on their private property until the proper authorities have arrived without fear of prosecution for doing such.

    Just my opinions :-)

  4. At first glance, I love it. Will review in more detail and see if I can add anything or comment.

  5. Looks good to me also.Will search for any other concerns that may apply. Thanks

  6. fed up my understanding is you can't change their ability to vote present...

    on the border I like the concept. I'm trying to figure out how to word it so that there isn't vigilante activity. Any thoughts?

  7. As for term limits I prefer break in service and to fair trade I would add that the costs of invasive species be levied onto the country of orgin.i will go over it again

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  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I personally don't like the income tax. I think we really should go with the Fair Tax as this would reduce the power of the IRS and tax those who are working on a cash basis.

    Oh how I wish I could be there!!!!!

  11. Own Up write that so suggestion up as to how it would appear on the list and we can discuss.

  12. The 2ND Amendment needs to be upheld. The right to bear arms.

    Ron Pauls Bill HR1207 needs to be passed.A law making the Federal Reserve Bank Accountable and transparent.

    The right to assemble peacefully, needs to be upheld. A lot of talk of us being named terrorists, when we assemble.

  13. Thanks Bevos I'll look into those items.

  14. I like it but I would like it better if we eliminate their life time pensions. And no more unions for government employees. They have a level of job security the rest of us can only dream of.

  15. AA that would be a miracle given the current POTUS view of Unions, but I do agree having first hand knowledge of the governmental employment requirements.

    I'd like to see Congress that Social Security, and no funded pension plan just like Americans have to take.

  16. I like the idea of no more unions.PERIOD.

  17. Welcome to a place where everybody knows your name ;D

    I'm feelin a little angry toward unions myself these days, they seem to be a Big Fan of Obama and want to screw the people.

    I think they may have gotten too big too like our government.

  18. I have to revisit this in light of a thought. I remember when the Libber lips wanted to know what the demands/points of this were on Newsvine. Then when this was published they all went ape shit about it being there to read. You give them an answer to their questions and they want to attack you. Imagine that...

  19. I second Angry Americans motion. One Congressperson gets in, runs for one term and is wealthy, or close to it for the rest of their life when they retire. No matter what they retire from.
