So I pop in to see what other reasonable and reasoning folks have to say and . . . . wth? There's a picture of O-man with that sterile I just crapped in my pants look on his face. I blink (I'm sitting at home with the doors and windows closed so it's safe) and see that it's some kind of interactive thingy that says ask O-man a yes or no question and at the bottom some pitiful excuse for liberal intellectualism declares "obamajuice.***". To top it off, it is riding on top of some of the text or reply box or whatever hapless victim of css positioning ends up on the spot that just got emminent domained. I sit here praying that it is the result of a positioning error, both of page and website as well. If whoever perpetrated this waste of bandwidth really wants me to give it a go, they should try someting a little more original, like.....maybe....."you be the teleprompter", or something like that. Well, this is about as much energy as I want to give this. I am certain that it is somebody's pride and joy and I dont mean to be mean, but O-man's face is beginning to pop up everywhere you dont expect it to be. . . a la Mao.
So now the question... did you ask a question? Go ahead make my day... ask a question.
ReplyDeleteOk just for my favorite Squirrel I moved that O-Juice down to the very bottom of the site where that sour-puss belongs. Obama Juice = Lemonade with no sugar and down here us Southerners prefer Sweet Tea. I thought it was a funny widget because as in the Real Live OJ (ObamaJuice), he answers questions with vague non-answers and then often changes the answer to the same questions.
ReplyDeleteI asked if he was the AntiChrist, the answer...
ReplyDelete"As Commander and Chief that would be affirmative"
LOL Theresa funny!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I couldnt ask. I am afraid of the truth.
ReplyDeleteYou have nothing to worry about then, my friend you will never get it!