I was once a very popular blogger at a site called Newsvine. Many of my blog posts returned more than 500 comments and remained in the Top Stories listings for the maximum time allotted of 24 hours. I collected many friends along my near one year stint as a writer of Conservative based stories. Being an Independent all my life I've never been part of a political party, but I was able to collect over 250 friends who also share a fiscally conservative point of view with affiliations as Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and Independents.
Collectively we as a group stood by each other and participated in group discussions. Newsvines gimmick being that users vote for stories and comments which propels them to the most visible tags on the site; so with many people of the same ideals easily helped get the conservative message across fairly quickly. Needless to say Newsvine a site owned and operated by the MSNBC left wing Media giant, they didn't appreciate the Conservative voice taking center stage of their leaning left blog site; so I along with many of those friends were banned from using Newsvine. The charge, Block Voting. Apparently there is a undocumented rule that people with like ideals are not allowed to stick together, unless of course, they are democrats, liberals or progressives. In which case they don't really need to adhere to any rules of the site.
So I felt a little experiment was warranted now that the dust of the angry banned users have settled. I created a new user account now for the past 3 weeks and continued to post my Conservative opinions on the site, this time not participating in any friends associations, group affiliations or any other associations that could be construed as Block Voting. I have not voted for or against any posts or comments at all including my own. I find that my comments are still popular and garner a number of positive votes and responses, however once Newsvine Moderators discover the poster is me, my account is disabled. This time using another little published rule 'multiple accounts,' although I've never logged in as more than one user at a time, nor have multiple accounts active at once. When they ban my accounts for having a conservative point of view (although labeled as some Code of Honor rule that only apply to some) all of the comments made are deleted leaving no trace of the conservative voice posted on their blog.
Still my experiment seems to prove that the Conservative voice is being stifled on Newsvine with the Moderation staff of one, still leaning toward squashing the conservatives while allowing the liberal left the Free Speech they as all citizens are afforded as a right of this country's Bill of Rights.
Why does it not surprise any citizen of the US that the media is bought and paid for. With the exception of one news source FOX News there are few members of the Liberal Media offering a unbiased view of the current administration.
Well how does it feel to be American with what seems as little freedom as an Iranian these days?
It was nice to be here.
ReplyDeleteWolf Wolfman