Some of us haven't forgotten the last time we had a Democratic President and a majority Congress. We were alive then and experienced the diaster known as "The Carter Years." We're heading for a train wreck like that again if things continue to "change" as they have been going. I have to give credit to Carter though in one regard. He had more executive and business experience than the present Bozo trying to drive the bus.
Rest assured that I, for one, will keep pounding away at the morons on Capital Hill. You might say that it doesn't do any good but watch what is occurring. You won't find it on the "Peanut Butter and Jelly" media such as MSNBC. Definitely won't see much of the real news on medium such as Newsvine, or should I say Newsbarf. We're starting to get through to them and the closer we come to mid-term elections the uglier it just may become. It's time to "change" things alright. Change the tired old faces and ideas that have warmed those chairs for decades.
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