I recently got an email stating 3 articles I've written on Newsvine have been posted to other Blog sites; which warms my heart to know that Americans are listening. My rage has turned out George Orwellian stories like, "Imagine how you feel when you wake up on 1/20/2010 in the United Socialist Republic of the United States." This article was a projection of a tyrannical society change from the freedom of the United States we know today. The fear that I felt in my heart over what my grandchildren will endure because America elected the first African American President who happened to be a Marxist. The Hope and Change that got passed among the voters turned out to be a nightmare of federal control and loss of liberty that have sent Americans to protest in fear. The crowds are getting bigger, the people are getting angrier; yet the press ignores us. Tea Party attendees are called Tea Baggers as a sign of disrespect. The media pretends it is not happening but it is. Americans everywhere, Obama voters or not people are pissed and the Media better WAKE up soon.
I'm going to Washington and I'm going to stand shoulder to shoulder with 20,000 people who are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Politicians, Congress, and US Representatives should be shaking at every Town Hall meeting they attend because they are going to be held up for example. They are going to be questioned for their intentions. Specter was the first with an angry American lady (god bless her) who said, "No Sir, Social Security is broke, Medicare is broke the Government can't even handle a Cash for Clunker program and you want to handle my health care, NO SIR!" And amazingly only one news station reported it, Fox News. The Rest of the Media sleeps.
Where are the journalists? Did they die a slow death with the Leaders? I want the truth, I stand with 500,000 for the truth. The Media labels those of us who want proof that the person sitting as the Chief of Staff is actually eligible to be that person. How could this man who ran and committed to a new Hope and a Change for Americans, that really boils down to Communism; really love the American dream of freedom and liberty when all he is doing is take it away? And instead of reporting the questions the Media applies a cute name, Birthers?
Sarah Palin a person attacked time and again by the Media continues to create stories and promotes lies can't seem to get a break from the Media to just STOP MAKING THINGS UP!
I have a warning for the American Media, start doing your job or YOU'RE FIRED! I'll take you down with the rest of Americans easily, we won't watch you unless you start asking questions, and telling the TRUTH. It IS your job.
I agree! The news media is not serving the general needs of the public any longer and they most certainly are not the government watchdogs that they claim to be either!