Re: The State of the Nation and the Involvement of the Democratic Party
Let me start by saying that I am 51 and my husband is 52 years old. We are parents and grandparents and have been hard working, self sufficient Americans for our entire lives. We set examples for our children who have followed in our footsteps supporting their families by hard work and fiscal responsibility. We have lived through the Vietnam War era, the race riots of the 60’s and lived in Chicago during the Democratic National Convention riots of 1968, as well as every major event in American history since. We have never before protested, participated in Town Hall meetings or in any way got involved in questioning elected officials until February of 2009. We are not racists; we live in a nice mixed race neighborhood. We are neither radicals nor what you would consider right wing extremists. We are Americans and we are outraged at what is taking place from this Democratic Administration and President Obama. As a matter of fact we would never have questioned the intentions of a President of the United States until now.
What we are seeing coming from both Congress and the White House is absolutely and unequivocally unacceptable. This is America, a Democracy, a Republic established in 1787 to protect Americans from a tyrannical leadership. You have been elected in a trying time, but most assuredly you have accepted the Congressional Oath to protect Americans from enemy and I quote:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
Well the time for you to act on that oath is now. This statement, “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” requires you to protect the Constitution from enemies. We are now experiencing domestic enemies of the people. President Barack Obama has overstepped his authority, has threatened the safety and the security of all American citizens with his Socialistic and even Communistic intent. We the people must not be left on our own to stop this infringement on our liberty. This is not the Democratic Party my father knew, this is not the Democratic party President Kennedy supported. The current administration has made attempts to begin a militia of individuals with a specific intent to control citizens and dissention. Van Jones, a man with questionable background and self admitted Communist is writing legislature and advising the President. Is this the Democracy you know? The Democracy you swore to protect? What are you doing while this is taking place? What are you doing to stop it?
This is no longer about Health Care being changed to Government provided system and taxation, this is far beyond the out of control spending that you allowed to take place during a national economic crisis, this is far beyond the Omnibus annual budget that was filled with unnecessary spending and pet projects, this has now become about my families freedoms. I have written to all of you many times as to our opposition to all of these initiatives. I’m going to put our differences on those items aside to stress to you the importance of what I’m about to say. This Democratic Administration in the White House that has stepped over the line of attempting to control private enterprise, banking, financing, the news media and health care and as a constituent and a voter in your district I demand that you stop supporting the evolution of changing the United States of America into an entity that is not considered a Free Republic. Cease voting in favor of, allocating money to, or legislatively voting in favor of the controls being placed in effect from that of the so-called Progressive Democratic Party lead by President Obama.
I have written and requested an appointment to see all of you, because for the first time I am coming to you. I am coming on September 12th to March against the Out Of Control governance of you and the other 532 people who have pushed the American people to Outrage. I am coming with a million of my closest friends to see you and make it clear to you that we are angry at what you are doing, what President Obama is doing by taking this country to the controls and mandates of a tyranny. Much the same as England did 233 years ago when Americans took to the streets. You need to reexamine the Democratic Party as it is clearly not what the American people want and you serve us.
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