There was not too much traffic heading into DC on September 10th as we drove our motor home around the 495 Beltline into the city; we were early having planned this trip for so long. The excitement and suspense was unnerving. We checked into our campground and even on Thursday two full days ahead of time we immediately noticed the yellow Don’t Tread on Me flags interspersed with American flags flying in the Washington winds throughout the park. On a Thursday, most campgrounds have just a few overnighters traveling to their destinations, but this Thursday our campground with more than 300 sites was about half full. Friday being 9-11 consisted mostly of campers rolling in, consuming the rest of the sites one by one setting up awnings and tents even though it rained steadily for most of the day while we watched the memorials on Fox News. People stopped by throughout the day to tell their stories about why they were there as they took their afternoon walks through the grounds. They came from everywhere with 20 States represented from as far away as Alaska. The common ideal, we’re here to make a statement; to let congress and President Barack Obama know we are not going to allow a fiscally irresponsible government, take away any more of the America freedoms our grandfathers fought for. We’re not going to allow the dismantling of a system of government that has worked well for more than 200 years. And also we are going to work out of our comfort zones to ensure the change America makes is a change for the better, the hope we want is a better place or at the very least the same place that our parents raised us in. The silent will be silent no more the sleeping giant is wide awake.
The day of the March, Saturday 9-12-2009 we bought Metro tickets and mapped the route we needed to take. Originally the March on DC was to begin at 11:30am, but we were of course anxious and wanted to make sure there was parking available for us at the station so we left at 830am just about 20 minutes away from the Freedom Park starting point of the protest march. We let the first Metro train pass because there were no seats; just fully loaded cars full of people with signs and flags. In DC you need your Metro cards to exit the station gates, but as people poured from the trains Metro employees made a wise move and opened the gates to stop the bottleneck of people lining the platforms and escalators to exit the station. There was a wall of people carrying their handmade signs rolling up the escalators and out of the station and yet the quiet was deafening. I think at that point people were in awe and humbled at what they saw Americans, Patriots, Freedom Fighters and just everyday people ready to stand down the oppression of the ever changing government.
It was just barely 9:15am and as we stood on the steps of the Old Library building people flowed out of the doors of the station in a steady stream as our group made the pit stops before moving toward the march route. We passed the historic buildings along Pennsylvania Ave chanting USA, I for one felt like I was witnessing the awakening of the silent majority. Every so often my eyes would well up and my throat grew dry at the patriots slowing walking shoulder to shoulder from one side of the street to the other made their way toward the Capitol building; it’s dome getting larger in sight as we marched down the street to the west lawn. There were people still coming behind us for miles as we found a small stretch of grass to set our chairs and blankets. The speaker’s roused action and responses so loud it was akin to a lions roar at times and as I turned back I could see the Gazing Pond of the Mall with people lining both sides. The mile between the Capitol and the Washington Monument peppered with red, white and blue dots by the millions.
This morning, Sunday as I head back home I picked up a Washington Post as a remembrance of this historic event. It amazes me that these people that call themselves journalist but can’t seem to find truth in reporting. Quoting Emma Brown’s front page story, “Lashing out at the Capitol,” the opening line reads “with Tens of Thousands of people.” Perhaps you might tell the truth saying Hundreds of Thousands or Millions as reported by the DC Police but I hear tens of thousands echoed through Main Stream Media or State Run Media as I like to call them; to downplay the significance of the event.
“The Demonstrators are part of a loose-knit movement that is galvanizing anti-Obama sentiment across the country stoking a populist dimension to the Republican Party which has struggled to find a voice since the 2008 Elections.”
It is ridiculous reporting, like that statement that fueled the campaign of Barack Obama the most liberal leftist President the United States has ever been duped into electing. The 912 Project has nothing to do with Republicans. The people attending rarely, if ever refer to themselves as a dimension of the Republican Party. Emma Brown refers to the crowd of protesters as “extremists” adding more insult to Americans trying to make congress hear their convictions.
“Although it is unclear whether the demonstrators represent a large segment of votes or even of Republicans Saturday’s march illustrated that activists, some of whom are not enthusiastic with the GOP have been galvanized.”
Here is a suggestion Emma and The Washington Post if you want to present facts rather than the fiction you and the State Run media continue to propagandize, ask some questions; it is your job. The protesters are more than willing to discuss the reasons they continue to attend organized peaceful protests. Out-Of-Control spending, on borrowed money is not really what most Americans consider fiscally responsible. Like individuals who’ve had to tighten their belts Americans know that as this continues America will lose value along with our dollar, taxes will increase and the arm of the government will bear a debt hammer down on future generations to come. Perhaps The Post’s reporters were just stationed on top of their buildings watching the giant wake up, but none the less Americans are angry. You question whether we are people who are voters? Well apart from the few children attending with their parents all of them are voters. Start to calculate the “Tens of Thousands” times each of the 400 TEA Parties and add that to the 2 Million in attendance at DC and you will see they are the majority; who have until now remained complacent and quiet, that is real change because they are not silent any more. This is not only due to Barack Obama; this is due to both political parties moving further and further to a left that The People do not want. Collectively we are planning to launch our own Media, a truthful media with stories that are covered with facts, not those suggested innuendos dropped in place by elected officials that main stream media has sold its soul for. Blogosphere is the new Media.
As The Washington Post, and newspapers throughout the country bleed money due to less and less readers, as network news stations and Liberal cable news ratings drop to near abysmal fractions more and more people turn to sharing facts in blogs and forums online. So I have to toast you for singing the Emperor’s song as Rome burns. While you continue to hide the facts from American people they are going to see for themselves. For this we of the 912 Project thank you. The People are speaking out loudly and as an organized voice. You are losing MSM and you will be one business sector America will NOT bail out.
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