Has Anita Dunn interfered in the Orly Taitz lawsuit Barnett vs. Obama Federal Judge David O. Carter, who is hearing the case , in the Central District, Southern Division Court at Santa Ana, California?
Judge Carter, has just hired a lawyer who works for a law firm where Robert F. Bauer, one of Obama’s top lawyers is a partner. And that, just days before the Oct. 5, 2009 hearing on the Motion to Dismiss, in which his demeanor radically changed, according to Dr. Orly Taitz, esq., lead counsel for the Plaintiffs.
Siddharth Velamoor is the lawyer chosen by Carter to serve as one of his two official clerks, from Oct. 1, 2009, until Sept. 30, 2010, according to Wikipedia. Velamoor is listed as an associate with Perkins Coie, LLP’s office in Seattle, Washington. It is not clear if he has broken his relations with the firm. Perkins Coie, LLP did represent Obama in a previous case litigated by Dr. Orly Taitz last winter.
Robert F. Bauer, is a partner of Perkins Coie, LLP’s office in Washington, D.C.. His bio at the company identifies him as holding the Chair of the Political Law group at the firm; general counsel to Obama’s Campaign for America and general counsel to the Democratic National Committee.
Mr. Bauer’s wife is none other than Anita Dunn, the Whitehouse Communication’s Director.
Mr. Bauer, who represented Obama in a case challenging his eligibility in the spring, wrote a letter on April 3, threatening a citizen if he should continue to seek justice in the courts. You can read more about that case and letter here.
Since it appears that Siddharth Velamoor could be influenced by Perkins Coie, if the case did not go Obama’s way; his presence in Judge Carter’s chambers clearly impugns the integrity of the court, and will be the cause of dismay among the general public. Indeed since Velamoor will in the near future need a job reference from Perkins Coie, he will always have to be careful not to offend them politically.
This appearance of grave impropriety, leads the objective observer to ask (1) whether Velamoor has separated his ties with the firm; (2) who suggested to him to apply for a clerkship with Carter; (3) was this before or after the case Barnett vs. Obama was filed in February; and (4) did Carter know of the relations between Velamoor, Perkins Coie, and Bauer.
For more information about Velamoor, see “Just Citizens Making Ethical Statements” Blog.
Hello world!
4 years ago
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