We don't believe in:
Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants*The Foreign Worker Visa Programs*The US Trade Agreements NAFTA,CAFTA*Free Trade*Outsourcing.
We believe in:
BORDER PATROL*Free Choice for Health Care*American Industry*Buying Made in USA*FAIR Trade Tariff to Tariff*
A Government that represents the People*Justice and Equality for all Legal American Citizens Born or Naturalized
I attended a T.E.A. Party rally today in Raleigh North Carolina, and for the first time since 2007 I have renewed Hope and see a real potential for Change. While many of you know I have been tracking candidates and mapping out the 2010 Congressional race for sometime on my website CleanHouse2010.webs.com, this candidate and this race is crucial to me and to all the people in District 4 North Carolina, this rally was for my own district.
Frank Roche announced his candidacy for North Carolina District 4 to attempt to unseat the liberal lifetime congressional politician David Price serving in the House of Representatives since 1987. Based on his ideals I think Frank Roche has an excellent chance to do just that. One would think having served that long Mr. Price might have actually learned by now to listen to his constituents, however that is not the case. This district has suffered through Price's voting record that has veered further and further left and less for the people of the district. Mr. Price recently voted for the Pelosi-care bill. I being politically active called his office several times to express my concern and ask that he not vote for HR 3962 with specific reasons why I was against it. Having a conversation with his office in DC the aide on the phone said that they were receiving thousands of calls just like mine. When I asked if there were more for or against he responded against, yet Price took the progressive party line voting yes, rather than listening to the voters. Mr. Price voted for the TARP Bill, the Omnibus Act to increase government spending by nearly half the prior year and voted for Cap and Trade which will increase our energy cost considerably.
Price, a long time amnesty supporter is part of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee. From David's own House.gov page he states, he would support a bill that will "offer opportunities for adjustment to legal status, on a case by case basis; to those undocumented workers and their families who are already firmly established in our communities." The subcommittee is responsible for DHS and it's related agencies, including U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, among others.
Most people I speak to through my blogosphere connections in NC and throughout the U.S. feel amnesty is not an effective, forward moving option especially not in a time of economic crisis.
Today I had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Frank Roche who has listened to the people in District 4, spoken to the voters and arrived at a common sense, conservative list of issues and priorities. You can view all of Frank's political ideals on his new website http://www.rocheforcongress.com/
Now I can type all of Frank's stances and recap each of the issues he has selected, but I think you'll find all the answers right here.
Frank Roche for Congress, North Carolina District 4
A New Voice, a better message.
The Outraged Americans for Justice came to be when a large group of bloggers began to band together with a common ideal, conservatism. We soon found that in the News world there are many Liberal Left ideals represented but far less conservative representation existed. In a short time there were more than 300 people who spoke the voice of conservative beliefs. Many People One Voice.
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