Friday, February 26, 2010

I thought I'd seen it all until yesterday

We've all been fighting this battle for some time now, deep in the trenches and battle scars evident. We've all been writing, posting, blogging and participating in TEA Party Protests embattled against liberal progressives and Republicans-In-Name-Only for a long time now. I've know some of you as much as 2 years now and I consider many of you my dearest friends. When I get ganged in a blog I send the word and you're there to back me; likewise I come to your aid. We've been YELLED AT, sworn at, and called every nasty name in the book from Teabagger to Racist by the fear shaken left of both parties. But, never would I think that I would have to justify my right to be called a member of the TEA Party, by some who claims to be in the TEA Party. You all know what I do here, on OAJ, SH and Clean House. You more than anyone know my record, the last thing I would do is pick a fight with a fellow dissenter because of a difference of opinion.

Until yesterday, I'd though I'd seen it all. We've had long discussions about the probable infiltrations of liberal progressives from both the GOP and the DNC. I never thought for one minute that anyone who called themselves a TEA Party member would start a fight over the work we do. I guess no matter how old and wise you become, there's always one person that will make you rethink your principles. I guess mine came yesterday when Jayne Q. Public accused me, and us, of not really being a part of the TEA Party. This just proves how crazy the country is today. Not only did she attempt to publicly attack one of our candidates, but also defamed him, us and all of the patriotic members of the TEA Party. Jayne/Erika claiming the Candidate, Frank Roche was attempting to claim an endorsement that wasn't true. Amazingly enough so many people came to our defense from our members here, OAJ, SH and even Independent Caucus a group I belong to and have worked on Mid Term Elections. So while it was a horrible experience thanks to Jayne/Erika; I took comfort to know so many of you really care enough to get involved.

I woke this morning at 4:15am unable to go back to sleep; once my mind focused my memory was jarred at the events of yesterday. So I crept into the office and opened the laptop once more to try to slide back in the trenches and read some news on the Health Care Summit. Sounds like we had some GOP Conservative stars in the Obama Kabuki Theatre. On my second pot of coffee (because I rarely actually drink Tea) around 9 o'clock, my cell phone rang. It was one of our endorsed candidates Candidate Peter Gounares (R) from Dist 1 Alabama. Peter called to tell me how excited he was to receive the endorsement on Clean House 2010 and that he was just also endorsed by his local TEA Party group. He was most kind. He thanked me for the work we all do here, and said he has now moved into the lead in the polls. He said, "You sound tired Kim, are you doing ok?" I told him the story about Jayne/Erika and he laughed and said, "Well, I knew you were getting on the liberals nerves, but I never thought you'd get on the TEA Parties nerves." We laughed together and he said something profoundly comforting. He said, "Without people like you and your groups, I would not ever have thought in a million years I would be here."

This afternoon I have emails from Nick Popaditch (R) and John Dennis (R) saying Thanks to us too! So in the end I feel wise again. While Jayne Q Public/ Erika got her digs in for whatever it was worth, we stood tall and left her to think about her own actions rather than our actions, I guess there is still some wisdom left in this game called politics.

I guess it boils down to some great words of Thomas Jefferson who said, “I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.”

Keep it up, we are making a difference!

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