This hasn't been a great year for me, after 28 years of my work I've never had an issue finding my next gig. Guess what, no gigs. In my state the unemployment rate topped the national average of 10.2% a few months ago and now sits at over 11%. I'm surviving on Emergency Funds, because I've been responsible. I bought a house I could afford, I paid down my debt even if it meant eating beans and rice, and rice and beans, I've saved some money. My emergency funds are just that, I'm am having an emergency. No job, no work. I'm not going to be able to go visit my kids, my sister or my parents this year for Thanksgiving or Christmas (yes sorry for not being Politically Correct but I believe in Christ so I say CHRISTmas).
Needless to say the liberal loons and the irresponsible congress, and oh yes the rather out-in-space POTUS... get to hear the brunt of my latest project... telling them off in blogosphere, but enough about me... so how's that hope and change workin' for you?
I usually give to the troops at this time of year through the USO. I usually send a $100 at Thanksgiving and $150 at Christmas to the USO for the holiday meals, or phone calls home or any of the great things that the USO provides for the people fighting for America, but it's going to be hard to do that when I've cut back on even my grand children's presents. Then I heard today that Obama was still deciding whether to support the troops with more boots on the ground, after what 90 days. He couldn't very well make a decision today while hosting the 15th large party since his inauguration; the State dinner complete with heated tent and 7 course meal for 400 of his closest friends (mostly Lame Stream Media Press and Hollywood types). Barack Hussien Obama, mmm mmm mmm had to wait until after Thanksgiving to give some tired battered troops some support, some morale and some back up. So I asked my kids, my sister and parents and if I could take $5 from everyone's budget and send it to the USO this year. They all understood, I guess because we all understand sacrifice, unlike Congress and President Barack Hussien Obama.
Please give a few dollars to the USO to support the troops, they sure aren't getting it from congress or the president. http://www.uso.com/ LINK

The patch says 'Doing the work of' The flags are France, Germany and Russia.

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